Bedroom Slippers

“And your feet shod with the preparation of
the gospel of peace.”
Ephesians 6:15

When we think of our feet, we are consumed by thoughts of pedicures, shoe size, shoe
styles (high heels or flats) and shoe types (whole toe or sandals). Rarely, do we
remember or consider that our feet have been given a great focus and role in our lives,
beyond its covering. Our feet are to be shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
What does that mean? And how does that look?
William McDonald in the“Believer’s Bible Commentary” says “this suggests a readiness to
go out with the good news of peace.” The New Spirit Filled Life Bible says, “Preparation
speaks to that which is already accomplished and ready.” Are you always ready to share
the good news? Do you know how to share your testimony? Have you learnt a tried and
true method of presenting the gospel, in easily understood steps? These are the types of
questions we could ask ourselves when we clad out feet in any type of covering. Our feet,
heart, mind, soul, and spirit must be ready to give the message of hope, love, joy and
peace to others. How do we become prepared?
One sure-fire way to have our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace is
through prayer. “Talk to God about your neighbour, before you talk to your neighbour
about God.” Prayer is an essential aspect of us preparing not only our hearts, but the
hearts of others as well, to receive good news. Bible reading and Bible study is the second
foolproof way to lead others to our Saviour.
Knowing God’s Word and being able to explain its concepts are critical to spreading the
good news of peace. There are many other necessary factors in being considered wise in
winning souls, yet the main aspect of preparation is relying on the power of the Holy
Spirit to work in and through you, as well as to speak to and for you, when evangelizing.
When you slip your feet into the comfortable, cushioning goodness of your wooly soft
bedroom slippers, think on one thing and one thing only, “Are my feet shod with the
gospel of peace?” If your answer is no, here is a prayer you can say:-
Lord, thank you for helping the person who led me to Christ to be prepared with the
gospel of peace. Help me to have my feet shod with the light and love of your grace. Help
me to prepare in prayer, the Word, praise and worship unto you so that others can know
your love and receive your grace in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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