Elaine’s Caribbean Crochet invites you to join our crochet crew. Gain business and social media services, crochet patterns, features, webinars, and so much more!
Loop Yourself In Here.
- Select “Become a Member” under “I am a crochet artist” from the homepage
- Membership in the Crochet Crew is a requirement for eligibility for the Opportunity below.
“May You Prosper” 2022 Virtual Scavenger Hunt Opportunity
Official Opportunity Rules
Opportunity Sponsors
The “May You Prosper” 2022 Opportunity is sponsored by Elaine’s Caribbean Crochet and Laurie Dash and Sons Inc.
Description of Opportunity Objectives
Elaine’s Caribbean Crochet is pleased announce its “May You Prosper” 2022 Virtual Scavenger Hunt Opportunity which is open to Elaine’s Caribbean Crochet crew members in Barbados.
“May You Prosper” is an initiative of Elaine’s Caribbean Crochet to help crochet businesses be sustainable through business and marketing services. In 2021, Elaine’s hosted four free webinars to help crochet artists improve in their business planning, customer service and marketing skills. This year, Elaine’s will provide one FREE webinar, 4 wool package giveaways (for the month of May) and 5 DOMESTIKA courses for crochet crew artists’ development. To be a crochet crew member, please loop yourself in HERE.
In celebration of “May You Prosper”2022, Elaine’s invites crochet crew members in Barbados to participate in our Virtual Scavenger Hunt in collaboration Laurie Dash and Sons Inc.
by responding to “WednesdayWin” prompts that will be posted every Wednesday in May at 12:00 p.m. AST on Elaine’s Instagram page. Participants will have the opportunity to win wool packages weekly.
How to Enter
In response to the “WednesdayWin” prompts Crochet Crew members should search Laurie Dash and Sons Inc Instagram page to provide the correct answer in the comments section of the post on Elaine’s Instagram page.
To be eligible, Crochet Crew members must follow Elaine’s Caribbean Crochet and Laurie Dash and Sons Inc. Instagram.
The first crochet crew member to provide the correct response on the post will win the weekly giveaway. The winner will be randomly selected. The more entries submitted, the better the chances are to be selected.
Participation in the Opportunity is deemed as acceptance of these Official Opportunity Rules.
The May You Prosper 2022 Opportunity commences on Wednesday, May 4, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. AST on Elaine’s Caribbean Crochet Instagram page and ends on Saturday, May 28, 2022. The selected winner will be advised on Thursday of each week and must be available on the Friday of that week to collect the wool package and be willing to be photographed for the promotion. The winners will be announced on Elaine’s and Laurie Dash Instagram pages.
Media from this Opportunity may be announced and promoted on various social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, and the website, but Opportunity entry and administration will take place through Instagram. Opportunity winners may also be announced on Facebook, Instagram, local press, and the Opportunity Sponsors’ websites; however, Facebook and Instagram, are not partners or sponsors of the Opportunity. Crochet Crew members are reminded that by participating in the Opportunity, they are bound by these platforms’ Terms of Service and any agreements contained therein.
E-mail info@elainescaribbeancrochet.com for further information or any queries.